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when the way is dark

Sometimes the path is really dark. Clouds fill the sky and even if they weren't there the moon is too low to light the tree-lined path. It's dark and the way is rocky. You've rolled an ankle before and you don't want to stumble again.

Sometimes we can't see our way forward. Too many disappointments and too many late nights followed by early mornings. Travelling the road has lost its excitement and we just want to sit down in a warm, sunny and soft spot for a while.

But we're walking a path. A path that is unclear and hard because even though you know you're going to get to see a beautiful sunrise in a couple hours, the uphill track is more than you want to tackle right now.

A beam of light streams from your headlamp and it shines just the next few steps. So you walk. And walk. And climb.

"Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105

May my path be lit by memories of words of confidence and comfort when I can't remember what the voice of the God who promises these things sounds like. And may the lamp never run out.

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