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A Generous Life: My Reflective Year Planner

A beautifully designed all-in-one diary that features guided reflections throughout the year, space to record focuses and tasks in your priority areas and monthly calendars.  This is ideal for people who want to live intentionally but have trouble staying focused and organised.  Comes in two versions: mid year (September-August) and calendar year (January-December).

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GL interior 1.jpg

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Both versions available - specify which one you want in the response form

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$37 CAD

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Generous Frugality: an alternative approach to money

Generous Frugality invites you to consider a different way of interacting with money assuming that an abundant life can be about more than accumulating wealth and that there is more than enough if we share.  It features interactive exercises that are designed to empower you to consider and change the ways you spend, save and give.



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$21 CAD

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$10 CAD

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Resources for your sustainability journey


Sandwich Wraps $15 Cdn


Upcycled from old clothes, these machine washable and unique wraps hold your sandwich together and barely take up space once you're done with lunch.


Designs are unique but usually there's a matching or suitable snack bag pair.


Approximately 12" x 12"


Snack Bags $10 Cdn


Perfect for nuts, crackers and other lunch additions.  Equally upcycled, machine washable, compact and nice as the sandwich wraps.


Get a few if you're a big snacker and you'll be happy with your plastic-free day.


Approximately 5" x 6" closed

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